Photos: ©Isabelle Aubineau Le CD is brought out. Price: 10 € ( |
Conducted by: Evelyne
Béché Tenor: César Zhé CHI Baritone-bass: Bertrand MONBAYLET 1st violin: Ludovic BALLA 6 June 2008 in Laval (France) 7 June 2008 at the abbey of Epau in Le Mans (France) On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Choir of the University of Maine with, in the second part, an anthology of others songs Program of the concert |
Choir of the University of
Maine. Orchestre
constituted for the occasion with Ludovic Balla as the 1st violin.
Tenor (César Zhé Chi), Bariton-bass (Bertrand Monbaylet), conducted by Evelyne Béché. |
Le Choir
of the University of Maine and the orchestra, conducted by
Evelyne Béché. Messa di Gloria (Giacomo Puccini),
7th June 2008 at the abbey of Epau (Le Mans, France). Photos: ©Isabelle Aubineau |
Bertrand Monbaylet - Bariton-bass |
Zhé Chi - Tenor
Ludovic Balla - first violin | The choristers and the orchestra |
Evelyne Béché - choirmaster and conductor | |
Second part of the concert: anthology of songs recounting the 20 years of the Choir | |
members and the choirmaster with the Choir, singing
"Mon amant de Saint-Jean" |
Daniel Cruché, assistant of the choirmaster, conducting the Choir, when singing "Bullerengue" |
Negrimovski, pianist of the Choir
Evelyne Béché | Dimitri Negrimovski and Evelyne Béché |
The choirmaster | Her CV with videos | Children choir "Les Cagou's". . |
Back to home page | Workshop of choral singing in July. | Excerpts of concerts. |